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Coaching Resources

Recent sports science research has shown that the best route to fully developing athletic ability is not through early specialization and participation with "elite" youth sports teams but rather through participation in a multiple sports year-round up to the age of approximately 14-16!  This has come to be known as Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD), after the book by the same name which first introduced this research.

One of the many benefits of CYO is that athletes of all abilities can compete in all sports, making CYO one of the only youth sports leagues in the greater Kansas City area to provide the multi-sport opportunity to maximize athletic development.


Learn More About Long-Term Athletic Development Through Multi-Sport Participation

 Long-Term Athlete Development - The System and Solutions

Long-Term Athlete Development Summary

Long-Term Athlete Development for Parents

 American Athlete Development Model

New Coaches
Choose a session and please copy and paste the https information into your search bar to register for each class.

Saturday, Aug 22nd 9:30 am-12:30pm - CANCELED DUE TO LOW ATTENDANCE NUMBERS. 

Tuesday, August 25th 7:15 pm - 10:15 pm

Thursday, August 27th 7:15 pm -10:15

Existing Coaches Recertification
Please check your certification status by opening the following file, scrolling down to the bottom to see if your name is 

highlighted in yellow. The highlighted names that are listed at the bottom of the file will mean that you will NOT need to get certified again at this time.

PLAC master file to check your status.

If your name is NOT highlighted, please certify again this season. Thank you so much for your time and effort!

Rather than do the online version this year, we're going to do 1 hour virtual clinics for re-certification. This involves the same commitment from coaches (1 hour online) but will just be done on Zoom. To register please copy and paste the zoom link into your url search bar.

Saturday, August 29th at 9:00 am 10:00am

Tuesday, Sept. 1st at 6:30 pm-7:30 pm