CYO Serving the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas center badge

Virtual Tournament

Congratulations to the winners of the 1st CYO Virtual Tournament.
We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and made friends along the way. 

 Samuel Fangman  HRW1 1st Place Ps4 Madden 19                    Trip Kratofil        VIS1   2nd Place Ps4 Madden 19

Frankie Hess         SH9     1st Place Ps4 NBA2K19                     Cooper Ryne       SMA3 2nd Place Ps4 NBA2K19

Logan Steffens      STH1  1st Place XBOX One Madden19        Ben Bleything     SAN1  2nd Place XBOX One Madden19

Daniel Neenan       SAG7 1st Place XBOX One NBA2K19        Oscar Robinson  HT1     2nd Place XBOX One NBA2K19

The Tournament is only open to registered Parish players so we know who is playing. There are no non-parish participants in this competition per CYO/PLKC MO design; this is a safety consideration and allows us to track any issues with all participants.

Please do not contact CYO for technical support as we are not gamers. Ask friends or players for information on “how to”.

 This tournament is for knowledgeable gamers and not for instructional purposes.

 Players must resolve their own disputes and work with one another to complete games (i.e. if games get disconnected, then start over, or other for example). Only the players, not CYO, will know the outcome of the game.

 Communicate with one another and finish games in defined timelines and AGREE on who won or lost or CYO will forfeit the games. Incomplete games will be an automatic forfeit for both teams. 

 Players are to conduct themselves appropriately and in the spirit of CYO competition.  Profanity, hazing, unsportsmanlike conduct or other non-Christ like behavior will not be tolerated.  Any reports of inappropriate behavior will be dealt with by forfeit and/or expulsion from the tourney.   NO REFUND.  Offending players will be reported to their parents/parish. 

We encourage players to say a prayer before each game, together.

Game Play

Players can play at any time and complete all Pool games, whenever, starting now. For example, all pool games could be played in a single day if all players agree and are available.  We had to assign times for games for the scheduling software, only, so the pools and brackets would auto fill.  Disregard scheduled times in the schedule.

All Pool games must be completed by Sunday, June 7th @ Midnight.  Brackets will be created after Pool play is completed (posted June 10th).

Players are to connect with their opponents thru PS4/Xbox One or via email to confirm game time using their gamer tag/ID or email addresses (players decide when they play).  All players will receive a directory.  Phone numbers are not included in the directory for privacy purposes.  Families can share their phone numbers at their discretion.

Pool and Bracket play ties will be settled with 3 Min OT periods; repeated until winner is decided or when players decide game is over.

If you cannot compete, for any reason, let your opponent know so the game score can be inputted (1-0 to the winner).

The timeline of the tournament cannot be changed. 

Step 1: View VT Directory (sent directly to registrants). You are assigned a team name that corresponds with your parish I.e. Cure of Ars is COA1, or COA2, etc.  

Step 2:  View schedule on line: to see game matchups. Players are grouped into Pools (A, B, C, etc).   

Step 3: Contact opponents to set up times to play the games.

Step 4: Play games at agreed upon times (Pool Games can be played any time between now and June 7th)

Step 5: The home team for each game will receive an email requesting the score of all home games, initially, for all of your Pool Play Games.  Do not score the game until you have played the game and have received the email request.  Please report the score as soon possible.  Please input the score scenario correctly (type in 1 for the winner and 0 for the loser).  You will receive subsequent score request emails until the game is scored.  If it is not scored by June 7th at midnight the game will be recorded as a forfeit for both teams.

Once you have received your Auto Coach Scoring email (an example is below), click the "Score This Game" link. 

·       This will take you to the "Score This Game" page.

·       On the "Score This Game" page, type in 1 for the winner and 0 for the loser.  DO NOT POST THE ACTUAL SCORES.

·       Click the Score button.

·       You must wait for the email to arrive to input your score.

Step 6: If it is not scored by June 7th at midnight the game will be recorded as a forfeit for both teams.

Game Rules Format

No created/enhanced players

Headphones permitted






5 min Qtrs/ 3 min OT



5 min Qtrs/ 3 min OT


Round Robin Pool Play

Bracket / Single Elimination

Now thru June 7

Three Games per Player in each pool

Players coordinate time and day for each game.

Bracket play seeding will be based upon:


Head to Head

Ties will be settled with an electronic coin toss

Bracket play begins June 10

Players coordinate time and day for each game.

Games must be played and scored within 48 hours or the game will be forfeit.

*Format and length will vary based on number of teams