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 Faith 5 Minute Game Plan  |  Champion of Virtue  |  Prayers  |  Why no games on Sunday  | KC Chiefs Catholic Connection

Dear CYO Families,
The CYO Executive Board is excited to have you as part of our CYO Program.  Whether you are a returning family or new to CYO, we hope you find your involvement enjoyable and one that mirrors our Catholic values and principles throughout the entire experience. CYO is one of the largest Youth Ministries in our Archdiocese.  As such, your child’s entire CYO experience should embody our mission of “Leading Youth to Christ through Sport.”   Your child’s participation in CYO should be different than participating in other sports leagues.  The first word of our organization’s name, “Catholic”, means it is different.  Our sports program should mirror the values and virtues that our Catholic faith provides.  This in no way means our sports programs are not competitive and teams shouldn’t strive to win ... but it does mean keeping the proper perspective is necessary.  We as adults should do all we can to create the faith filled environment where our kids can compete at their highest levels while we never forget these are grade school kids playing a game and it should always be about them and not us.  We also welcome children at all competitive levels.  Whether your child is destined to greatness in high school and beyond or your child is trying to learn a new sport; CYO has a place for you.  

CYO does not happen without the vast number of volunteers throughout your parish.  Please take a minute and thank them for volunteering their time and talents to enable your child to be part of CYO.  There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes from the Director of Sports Ministry, to sports coordinators, to coaches, and the list goes on.  One thing is for sure, it takes a Village to make CYO happen.

Thank you for being part of CYO and hope you have a GREAT sports year.  


CYO Executive Board


Play Like a Champion's "Daily Prayers for Champions" page has been updated! Visit for more than 200 prayers plus resources that can help you and your team grow closer to God while participating in sports.

 Faith | 5 Minute Game Plan  |  Champion of Virtue  |  Prayers  |  Why no games on Sunday  | KC Chiefs Catholic Connection