CYO Serving the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas center badge

Track and Field


CYO Weather Line

Weekdays: Updated by 4:00PM
Saturdays: Updated by 6:00AM


PARENTS: Contact your parish CYO (KS) AD/DSM for registration, practice, coach, team, uniforms information. 


NFHS Website/KSHAA Website/KSHAA Track & Field 24-25 Manual


2024 Boys Track Records!
2024 Girls Track Records!



Regular Registration: January 17, 2025 – March 28, 2025
Late Registration ($25 Price increase): March 29, 2025 – April 11, 2025
Program Duration: March 10, 2025 – May 3, 2025

Track and Field Dates

  • SAT 4.5.2025 Miege HS start time 9:00 am / Meet Sheet TBD / Location Map / Results TBD
  • SAT 4.12.2025 Miege HS start time 9:30 am / Meet Sheet TBD / Location Map / Results TBD
  • WED 4.23.2025 Miege HS Pentathlon start time 6:00 pm 8th Grade Only / Meet Sheet TBD / Location Map / Results TBD
    (Students must have competed in at least one (1) of the first two (2) track meets to qualify for the Pentathlon.)
  • SAT 4.26.2025 Mill Valley HS start time 8:00 am / Meet Sheet TBD / Location Map / Results TBD
  • SAT 5.3.2025 Miege HS City Meet start time 8:00 am 5th-8th Grades Only / Meet Sheet TBD / Location Map / Results TBD
    (Students must have competed in at least one (1) of the first three (3) track meets to qualify for the City Meet, unless there is a weather cancellation and the requirement is waived.)

5th - 8th Grade, the AM and PM session will be split by parishes.  The mix of parishes will switch each week to allow for a variety of competition.
All 3rd - 4th Grades will run at the start of the day at the regular meets.  In the case of a weather cancellation, 3rd and 4th graders will run at the start of the day, prior to the City Meet on 5.3.2025. 

Each parish will offer Track & Field for boys and girls grades 3 - 8 other than those listed below.  If your parish doesn't offer a grade to which you wish to enroll, please reach out to our office for placement with another parish at

Holy Trinity - no 3rd or 4th grade program (Hosted by Holy Cross)
Saint Agnes - no 3rd or 4th grade program (Hosted by Saint Ann)

Some parishes host other parishes that do not have a stand-alone track program:
Holy Cross hosts: Holy Spirit
Saint Agnes (5-8) hosts: Holy Name, Our Lady of Unity, Saint Patrick, WCCA
Saint Ann (3-4) hosts: Holy Name, Our Lady of Unity
Saint Joseph (3-4) hosts: Christ the King, Resurrection, Saint Patrick, WCCA
Saint Michael hosts: Nativity

An entrance fee will not be collected at the track meets.
A timing company, B & B Race KC will perform real time results for events ( Spectators and all attendees will be able to access results, real time, on their phones.
As in prior years, parishes will be assigned work duties.

For more information on costs, coaching, volunteering, practice times, uniforms and any other parish specific questions please reach out directly to your parish’s DSM.

Interested in coaching?
: If you wish to enroll as a coach, please enroll as a Volunteer at Your DSM will have access to your sign up and can reach out to you directly.  To learn more about the certifications required to coach, please review our website at

Track & Field Scholarship information 
Scholarship information. If you have already requested a track scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year, you do not need to complete another scholarship form. If you submitted a scholarship application but did not include a request for a track scholarship, you will need to fill out a new application or reach out to our office to add track to your prior application.

Track & Field Unaffiliated information
If a student is not a registered member of the parish or parish school, he or she may still participate in CYO as an “Unaffiliated Participant” provided the following requirements are met:
1. The child is sponsored by the parish, meaning that he or she is approved by the Pastor and Director of Sports Ministry (Athletic Director) to be placed on a parish team.
2. The child/parents complete the application for unaffiliated participation as provided by CYO online or via hard copy. Once the application has been submitted to our office, your child can participate with CYO while the necessary approvals are obtained.
3. After the child/parent submit the online form, CYO will submit the application to both the AD/DSM and the Parish Pastor for approval. The DSM will update applicant on his/her status. If you have any questions, please contact the DSM at the Parish your child is wanting to become affiliated with.
4. The application must be approved by the Faith & Spirit Committee of the CYO Executive Board. This approval may be done by electronic means, or the Committee may request an in-person hearing if necessary.
Online application Unaffiliated Players


Field Events: high jump, long jump, softball (size 12”) throw (girls only), football (size: 5th-6th Junior 7th-8th Youth) throw (boys only), Shot put: 5th-6th grade boys and all girls use 6lbs, 7th-8th grade boys use 8lbs. Participants are required to sign in at the event site no later than the final call for the event has been made. 


Running Events: mile run; 100-meter dash; distance medley relay (100-100-200-400), 60-meter dash; 400-meter run, 200-meter dash, medley relay (100-50-50-200), 800-meter run, 400-meter relay (100-100-100-100). The mile run and 800-meter run will use an international start (all contestants in a grade group compete at the same time).



Click here to go to our RECORDS AND PHOTO GALLERY PAGE

Contact your AD/DSM regarding coaching, volunteering, and/or cost per sport at your parish. 
AD/DSM Parish contact        Parent/Coaches Certifications

Description of volunteer track positions

Long Jump Assistants (6 workers at one time):
Help measure the distance of the jump and rake the pit.  The CYO representative watches for scratch (invalid) jumps and helps define the measurement point.  One end of the measuring tape will have a stick so that person won’t need to bend down, but the person at the measurement end will need to bend down or kneel at the board.  A rake will be provided by meet staff and the pit will need to be raked between each jump.
AM session – 7:45 am arrival – end of field events approx. 12:00 pm
PM session – 12:00 pm arrival – end of field events approx. 4:15 pm 


High Jump Assistants (2 workers at one time)
Help put the crossbar back on the high jump standards after it is knocked off then help raise the crossbar and help verify the height each time the height increases. 
AM session – 7:45 am arrival – end of field events approx. 12:00 pm 
PM session – 12:00 pm arrival – end of field events approx. 4:15 pm


Shot Put Assistants (3 workers at one time):  
Help spot shot landing point and measure the distance back to the shot-put ring.  Again, there will be a stick on one end of the measure tape, but the person on the measurement end will need to bend down to get the correct measurement.  The CYO representative will help with the measurement ensuring that it is done correctly.
AM session – 7:45 am arrival – end of field events approx. 12:00 pm
PM session – 12:00 pm arrival – end of field events approx. 4:15 pm

Ball Throw Assistants (3 workers at one time)

 Report to the south goal line of the football field.  Help spot ball landing point and measure the distance back to the default line.  There will be a stick on one end of the measure tape, but the person on the measurement end will need to bend down to get the correct measurement.  The CYO representative will help with the measurement ensuring that it is done correctly.

AM session – 7:45 am arrival – end of field events approx. 12:00 pm 
PM session – 12:00 pm arrival – end of field events approx. 4:15 pm


Curve Judge (3 workers at one time):    
Only help during all three relays.  They help the kids get to the hand off zones, signal to the starter when all of the relay runners are ready and then make sure all hand offs are legal. 
AM and PM - listen for the call for the relays and arrive at the curve no later than the final call for the event.


Track Crossing (2 workers at one time)
Assist the athletes cross the track from the staging area to the field for competition.
AM session – 8:45 am arrival – end of field events approx. 1:00 pm 
PM session – 12:45 pm arrival – end of field events approx. 5:00 pm