CYO Serving the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas center badge

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t schedules come out earlier?
With the exception of makeup games, all schedules are released no later than 7 days prior to
the game day. Unlike other rec leagues, CYO reseeds grades 5th-8th in basketball and
volleyball based upon the results of the preseason which precludes publishing a season long
league schedule.  The reseeding is done to assure teams are playing at the appropriate level
to assure a better experience for all teams.  The reseeding process; representatives from
each parish meet and review results to determine the division a team should be placed in for
the regular and post-season. The CYO staff does not vote on or influence the seeding
defined by the committee in attendance at the meetings. The main reason why CYO cannot
publish schedules earlier than 7 days prior to the season start date is due to the fact that
CYO incorporates parish/school scheduling conflicts that require extra preparation to create
the schedule i.e. for the basketball season last year, there were 100s of conflicts relating to
over 400 teams playing at 25 various sites.

Why are there entry fees at CYO events?
This is a common inquiry for CYO. We are aware that prior leadership thoroughly reviewed
and exhausted all possible solutions.  We continue to look at options. The CYO office does
not collect the entry fees for any parish.  The money is held with the hosting parish to defray
costs of the parish CYO program. This arrangement precludes the possibility of a season
pass i.e. a pass at Parish “A” doesn’t work at Parish “B. The CYO office collects entry fees for
basketball at public school facilities only (typically 1-2 facilities a weekend during basketball
when we pay to rent these facilities). The use of credit cards is at the discretion of the
hosting parish.  At this time, we are not aware of any parish accepting payment by credit

CYO seems expensive compared to parks and rec?
CYO is a non-profit, self-funded entity that relies on revenue garnered from registration.  We
do not receive funding from the Archdiocese or any other entity.  CYO does receive
donations from a limited number of sponsors and the Catholic community which goes
towards scholarships for children to participate in the CYO program (approx. $25k annually).
First and foremost, what separates CYO from other leagues is the emphasis on faith, fun,
and providing an opportunity for bonding in our parish communities. From a cost standpoint,
when comparing CYO sports with park and rec organizations, CYO offers multiple practices a
week, provides equipment and uniforms and in some cases twice the amount of games.

How can officials be held accountable for their performance?
Anyone can provide feedback on our officials by going to the
following link
CYO follows up with our Official’s Assignors/DSMs with all submitted comments.

How effective is the Regional CYO office in communicating with parents?
In a survey we sent out, responses indicated we communicate too much and/or too little. CYO will
communicate with parents directly, via coaches, via the AD/DSM and/or through our

Weather updates are provided via our website, weather line, (913-229-6215), and direct
emails to parents/coaches/AD/DSM.  It is CYO policy to play or cancel on game day.
Announcements will be made weekdays by 4:00 pm and Saturdays by 6:00 am or pending
weather conditions.

Explain how CYO works
At the direction of the Archbishop and the CYO Executive Board, CYO exists to provide an
athletic program encouraging youth to grow in the image of Christ through athletic events. 
CYO assures its contestants and managers of complete honesty and fair play at all times
while providing proper safeguards for its contestants. CYO is committed to cultivating the
confidence of the general public in the integrity of the contest played under our sponsorship
and supervision. The CYO office is located at Bishop Miege High School.
CYO coordinates on a daily basis with AD/DSMs, coaches, parents, parish administrators,
gym/field supervisors, security, Officials Assignors, public school entities, PLKC (CYO
equivalent on the Missouri side), CFL (Catholic Football League Committee), the Archdiocese,
CYO Executive Board, Johnson and Wyandotte County priests, vendors, and event staff.  Our
daily coordination is necessary to schedule and provide for a successful season.
The AD/DSM (Director of Sports Ministry) coordinates the sport programs at the parish level.
The CYO staff works in concert with the AD/DSM to facilitate the sports programs offered. 
Parish/sports specific questions can be answered by your AD/DSM.  Please reach out to them
directly with any parish related questions i.e. coaches, practices, tryouts, uniforms,

Do you have a question about your parish program? 
Contact your AD/DSM

When are games played?
Grade School (GS) Basketball: Th, Fri and Sat. / 6 regular season games minimum plus postseason tournament
High School (HS) Basketball: Sat. / 6 regular season games minimum plus single elimination postseason tournament
Girls Volleyball (VB):  Sat (TH/FRI if needed) 12 regular season matches minimum and postseason tournament
Cross Country (XC): Sat. / 4 meets scheduled
Track and Field: Sat. / 4 meets scheduled
Flag Football (FF): Sat. / 6 games minimum Boys Fall / 5 games minimum Girls Spring
Tackle Football (TF): Tues/TH/Sat 6 games minimum including post season

Schedule Conflicts?
CYO only considers parish and school related conflicts that were submitted by each parish to CYO prior to the making of the schedule.  
CYO cannot consider sports conflicts outside of our programs when making the schedules.  
You can try to swap games with other teams playing on the same day. 
CYO is not involved in the coordination and only needs to know all teams agree to the change in an email. 
Please visit the GAME SWAP RULES
 for complete details.

Where can we read the Rules of Competition?
Rules of Competition

Certification info

How is religion integrated into each game?
A prayer is said before each sporting event.
Coaches will be required to implement the 5 Minute Game Plan.
Players are selected at each event to receive a Virtue bracelet in recognition of virtuous


Is sportsmanship a part of the competition? 
There is a no tolerance rule for unsportsmanlike behavior by players, coaches or parents at any sporting event.

Please refer to the
Rules of Competition