Fri 1/10
7:10 PM
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
St Michael Gym
Sat 1/11
12:40 PM
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
Holy Spirit Gym
Sat 1/11
5:20 PM
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
Ascension Gym
Sat 1/11
7:10 PM
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
SAG St Agnes 7th English
Cure of Ars Gym
Fri 1/17
7:10 PM
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
Ascension Gym
Sat 1/18
4:10 PM
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
Holy Spirit Gym
Sat 1/18
6:30 PM
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
Nativity Gym
Sat 1/18
7:40 PM
SAG St Agnes 7th English
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
St Ann Gym
Fri 1/24
6:00 PM
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
HT Gym
Fri 1/24
7:10 PM
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
SAG St Agnes 7th English
St Michael Gym
Sat 1/25
1:50 PM
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
PoP Gym
Sat 1/25
7:10 PM
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
Cure of Ars Gym
Fri 1/31
6:00 PM
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
Nativity Gym
Fri 1/31
8:20 PM
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
HT Gym
Sat 2/1
1:50 PM
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
St Joseph Gym
Sat 2/1
6:00 PM
SAG St Agnes 7th English
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
St Agnes Gym
Fri 2/7
6:00 PM
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
Ascension Gym
Sat 2/8
11:30 AM
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
PoP Gym
Sat 2/8
3:00 PM
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
Holy Spirit Gym
Sat 2/8
5:20 PM
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
SAG St Agnes 7th English
HT Gym
Fri 2/14
6:00 PM
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
HT Gym
Fri 2/14
6:00 PM
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
St Michael Gym
Fri 2/14
8:20 PM
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
Holy Spirit Gym
Sat 2/15
7:40 PM
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
SAG St Agnes 7th English
Nativity Gym
Fri 2/21
7:10 PM
ASC Ascension 7th Altenhofen
COA Cure of Ars 7th Buser
Ascension Gym
Sat 2/22
11:30 AM
SMA St Michael the Archangel 7th Schultz
POP Prince of Peace 7th Beck
PoP Gym
Sat 2/22
5:20 PM
HT Holy Trinity 7th Hollingsworth
NAT Nativity 7th Thompson
Nativity Gym
Sat 2/22
6:00 PM
SAG St Agnes 7th English
HS Holy Spirit 7th Braddy
St Agnes Gym